First Doctor’s Office Visit; Meeting Great-Aunt Janene

Addison, your mum and I took you to the doctor’s office today.  You lost 5oz but that’s to be expected.  You should gain it again in two weeks.  Your mom now thinks that your eyes are going to be blue like your Dad’s.   The general consensus is that you look exactly like your dad.  I think you do have your mum’s nose and maybe her top lip though.

Great Aunt Janene, with 2nd Cousin Jack checking you out as you are being burped by your Mum.

Great Aunt Janene, with 2nd Cousin Jack checking you out as you're being burped by you Mum.

We met your great-aunt Janene today.  She is a very nice lady, I think you’re going to like her.  She told me about your second-cousin Jack, who is 6 months old.  I imagine you’ll play with him allot.

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