chatterbox preview

I am woefully behind in updates. But for a quickie…
Lately, Addison, you have been chattering most of the time now. You really seem to enjoy her own voice. Which is totally understandable. 🙂
Yesterday while you were in back seat and your mum and I were driving a very funny thing happened. Your mum was intent on a discussion with your gramma cat. You, however, were intent on your own conversation. Your babbling kept rising in pitch, and unconsciously so did your mothers. It’s as if you were chiming in with her or matching her conversion. Finally your mum said, in mid sentence, “I give up!”. We started laughing.

Your mum tried to start over with her discussion, but again you kept matching her pitch. It was hilarious. Your gamma cat was in tears.

Many years ahead will be filled with laughter.

OK stay tuned for some groovy pictures of you in the morning, and as soon as gramma-cat can find the digital audio recorder download cord, stay tuned for postings of your chattering.

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