The Mind of a Baby

Addison, today your mum took you to visit your poppy’s family. They had a very nice bouncy chair for you, with all sorts of moving parts and sounds for you to look at. You were fascinated with the activity. You even smiled and laughed in delight. Here is an interesting article on baby awareness and hypersensitivity. It states that, “Unlike the adult mind, which restricts itself to a narrow slice of reality, babies can take in a much wider spectrum of sensation – they are, in an important sense, more aware of the world than we are.”

Addison, sweetie-pie, you’re only a Super Baby once! That’s why it is up to us adults to provide fun, happy, and interesting things for you to be around.

Newton's Cradle

Poppy Day

Today was “Father’s Day”. Learn more about Father’s Day.

This weekend you and your mum and your poppy went to the zoo on Sunday, and visited your Grandma Sherry and Great-Grandma Berlene on Saturday. You got a little dip in Grandma’s Sherry’s pool. It was a hot day, a good day for swimming! Your first swim experience.

These are pictures of you and your dad at the zoo and the pool. The video is after your long weekend when you are relaxing.

Addison at the Zoo
Addison at Grandma Sherry's pool

6 Weeks old!

Addison, you’re mum got a much needed break last night (all parents need a rest…raising humans can be very hard work). She left you with me and we spent the night together. We did all of the usual cool stuff together…I watched you burp and cry and smile and sleep and pee and coo. At one point you were really bored. I got the idea that you needed a change of pace. We went out to the porch and sat in the rocker. You looked up at the trees across the street and at the birds singing and soaring in the sky. You were transfixed.