Addison, we were all very excited to learn about your first tooth. We would never have known about it if it weren’t by accident; you don’t display any of the fussy symptoms. You are your usual happy playful self. Your mum has remarked more than once, “I hope she keeps this happy disposition”. I think you will. You really are the most pleasant baby to be around. While your mother and your aunt were never “fussy” babies, perhaps they were above average in temperament, they weren’t as easy-going as you. Ok, enough gramma-cat gushing on that point. 🙂
Also, your hair seems to have grown quite a bit in the past week. Looks like it will come in as a dark golden blond. Your mother loves to observe every aspect of you, including how your hair has become tussled and fuzzy when you wake up in the morning.
You continue to grow in intellect as well. You have made the connection that you can create noises! You bang happily on the highchair. I encourage you to do so and you slap away with glee! You especially like the piano toy that is at your poppy’s house. You could very well possibly be a musician! Keyboards? Drums? Maybe both! 🙂
Your main source of food now is solids (including organic baby food), with heavy doses of formula still supplemented. The other day, you ate an entire banana.
Brawn? You now grasp anything within reach and if you can’t reach something that you’ve spotted, you’ll make a valiant attempt to crawl to it. Gramma-cat plays the game of blowing raspberries on your tummy. The trick to it, is to do it fast enough before you grab my hair with both fists in your iron grasp! All the while giggling.