Today while in a small cafe, your mum and I took turns introducing a sliced pickle to you. We placed it tentatively on your tongue. Your lip curled up but you opened your mouth. You really seemed to like it and rubbed your little gums on it…even while your lip was curled up. It was tooooo cute. Your mother and I have decided you are the most beautiful, spectacular thing on this planet. 🙂
After the pickle introduction, you seemd to notice everything we were eating. This weekend your mum is going to get some organic rice cereal. She will introduce you to it on a small baby spoon as prescribed in her “What to expect during the first year book”.
You wear a bib nearly all the time now since you are a perfect drooling machine (much like your Aunt Rachael was when she was your age). It will be interesting to see how the drool increases or mixes up with the food when you start in on your baby food eventually.