Diamonds and Sapphires

Addison, my love, your modern day birthstone is Diamond.  In the ancient world it’s Sapphire (Ancient Arabic, Hebrew, Italian, Roman, and Russian). Question: why do we have to have a precious stone assigned to our birth days? (Consider this is posted to the Superstitous category 🙂 .)

Some day when you grow up, you’ll come to know that many people are not as fortunate as we are.  They live very hard lives and they are used by greedy men to get things (like diamonds and sapphires)  to us, the Fortunate People.  It is up to us to choose not to buy/take these things.  Perhaps when we no longer want these items, the greedy men will not use up the less fortunate people.

raw diamond

raw diamond

refind diamond

refind diamond

I hope that when you grow up, you will be aware of the rest of the world, including the less forunate people.  I hope you will choose wisely.  I hope you know the important difference between needing something and desiring it.  Many people where we live, in this very fortunate place, do not know the difference.  I think you will be different. You will be strong, smart, funny, gracious, and compassionate.

More information about diamonds (and sapphires):


Learn more about the way the Fortunate People’s wants affects the rest of the world.

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