Addison, you were 6 months old today.
You’ve had many “firsts” recently, and your mum is slightly pouty because they’ve all been while you were with your poppy.
- You can sit up by yourself.
- You can eat solids now. You’re partial to rice cereal with bananas or banana flavoring — warmed up slightly of course.
- You know the following words & phrases: toes, kitty, Aunt Rachael, daddy, gramma, mommy, ba, peek-a-aboo, butt-changing (diaper change), piggy, and night-night.
- You’re only 6 months, but you wear size 9-12month clothes. You need to have your tray attached and secured in your swing
now because you like to lean forward.
Everywhere you go, people must stop and talk with you. When your mother was in class tonight, we walked by a class room. The instructor stopped his lecture, walked out into the hall and invited you in for everyone to see. He said, “see, this demonstrates that bald is beautiful”. The instructor was bald, and of course you don’t have much hair right now. 😉
Oh yes, and you have developed a close bond with Big Kitty. He tolerates you, even to the point where he will mush up against you for attention as he would a big person. You have learned to keep you hand open when you pet him instead of clenching his fur up in your fists. He seems to know you are a wee baby human.
As always you are a very happy, squealing, and alert little girl. You are loved by everyone on your daddy’s side and everyone on your mummy’s side. We are all lucky to know you.